Free AI integrated Website, Chatbot Ecommerce
Store Builder

NOTHING !!! Its absolutely free. We have bought an unlimited hosting service and we just want to give it away. So if you are starting out your new ecommerce or blog or portfolio website, just hit us up.

Free Plan



/ forever

  • We give you the wordpress account credentials and you have to set it up for yourself.
  • ❎ Custom AI and Chatbot

Pro Plan



/ per website

  • We tailor and customize and work closely with you to create a perfect website for you.
  • ✅ Custom AI and Chatbot

Tailored Solutions for Your Business

Our Website Builder is designed to make your ecommerce journey smooth and successful.

Customizable Storefronts

Reach customers on the go with our mobile-optimized designs. Your store will look great and function perfectly on any device, from smartphones to tablets.

Ease of Use

Our intuitive interface makes it easy for anyone to build and manage their online store. No technical skills required—simply drag and drop to create the perfect store layout.

Secure Transactions

Provide your customers with peace of mind through secure transaction processing. Our platform ensures that all payment information is handled safely and securely.